Are you pregnant or postpartum?

Get the support of a Postpartum Navigator.

A Postpartum Navigator helps parents plan for the the postpartum time and supports them through the first three months.

After we give birth we need REST, SUPPORT, and CARE.

A Postpartum Navigator can help you make this happen.

  • The Navigator Call

    This is a one hour postpartum planning visit where you meet with a navigator and learn about resources.

  • Postpartum Navigation

    Postpartum Navigators support parents during the first three months, helping them navigate the postpartum time.

  • Community Baby Shower

    The next Community Baby Shower is coming this Spring -sign up to hear all about it.

This planning process helps parents create the conditions that support recovery from birth, bonding with baby as a family, support for infant feeding, and improved mental health. 

All the important details:

What are the payment routes?

  1. Full Scholarship -Through grant funding.

  2. OHP Coverage - Ask the Navigator for details.

  3. Cash Pay - Always and option and may include additional postpartum care services.

What are the steps to getting Navigation support?

  1. Sign up on our form here or contact a Postpartum Navigator directly.

  2. Schedule the free intro meeting. (If it’s a good fit, continue. If not schedule with another navigator.)

  3. Select a payment route.

  4. Complete intake forms.

  5. Get your planning sessions scheduled.

What is a basic Postpartum Navigation package?

Prenatal planning session: 90 minutes.

Three 1 hour postpartum visits.

Weekly check-ins via text.

Parents and Navigators can decide if they want to have in person meetings or virtual.

Postpartum Navigation client:

I would absolutely recommend this program to any pregnant person . . .

Being that this was our first pregnancy, my partner and I were looking for all the help we could get our hands on. I reached out to Bree and she immediately responded and offered to meet with me at the library within walking distance of my house. We were able to go over the workbook together and she introduced me to the program, which I found to be inclusive and informative. At this time, we set up another visit that included my partner and we went over the workbook again as a group. We loved that the workbook gave us the opportunity to answer questions and plan for things postpartum that we would not have thought about on our own. Bree helped us use the workbook to have productive conversations about breastfeeding, our opinions on baby visitors, and our plans for postpartum support for each of us. I would absolutely recommend this program to any pregnant person.

Postpartum Navigators help parents develop a postpartum plan which is an outline of how a family will have rest, support, and care after their baby arrives.

The postpartum Navigator does not replace any other maternal health role, but rather acts as the hub that connects parents with the resources in the community. This care is relationship and community-based.

Navigators understand and offer support with:

  • Anatomy of a postpartum plan.

  • Importance of the postpartum time.

  • The common challenges parents face.

  • The resources and ideas to meet these challenges. 

  • The importance of supporting in ways that build instinct and confidence.

The Postpartum Navigators all have completed the Build Your Nest Postpartum Navigation Training and each are bringing extensive experience and training in working with families.

Meet the Postpartum Navigators

Rechele Plummer
Postpartum and birth doula, THW.

Clatsop County
Email website

Jamie Oller CPM,LDM,LMT
Homebirth midwife, massage & craniosacral therapy, childbirth educator.

Nayeli Cruz Jiménez Latinx 0-5 Community Health Worker, trained doula.

Clatsop County

Bree Libertad

Birth doula & postpartum care, trained in early childhood education and infant/toddler mental health.

Clatsop County


Jenny Donohue
Birth and postpartum doula, Certified Lactation Counselor, childbirth educator.

Clatsop County

Katie Winters

Birth and postpartum doula, photographer, placenta encapsulation. B.S. in Early childhood development.

Clatsop County


Marisa Scott

Family Outreach Coordinator at Baby Blues Connection.

Tillamook County


Clarissa Colson

Birth doula, Certified Lactation Educator

Pacific County


Having the support of a Postpartum Navigator is especially helpful if any of the following apply to you.

You LOVE planning and getting organized.

Or maybe you struggle with planning and getting organized.

You feel alone or don’t have a full circle of support. Maybe you have recently moved the area. Or you don’t have a strong circle of support. You don’t have family nearby. Or you are a single mom. Or Your partner doesn’t get much, if any, time off. Or you don’t know anyone else having a baby.

You know you need extra support. Because it’s your first baby. Or because you’ve struggled during postpartum in the past. Maybe you have a history of depression and/or anxiety. Or you’re having twins. Or you have 3 kids under 5 already.

You want your partner to better understand the postpartum time.

You want help figuring out which perinatal health resources and services are a good fit for your family.

You want to feel supported.


The Build Your Nest Postpartum Navigator Pilot Project is generously funded through Columbia Pacific CCO’s Wellness Fund, the Oregon Office of Rural Health, and the Oregon Community Foundation. We are fiscally sponsored by Baby Blues Connection.